How do we integrate courses/content created in different/own LMS Platforms?
You can link these courses/content as an external collection/assessment.
You can link these courses/content as an external collection/assessment.
As of now we are not supporting. We are working towards providing support.
Currently we follow the Common Core Framework for US and NCERT for Indian Standards.
As of now we are not supporting SCORM content. We are working towards providing support.
You can email us at or visit this link and fill out the form.
Currently we have content in Math in the following languages and contexts:
CALL SUPPORT: 650-331-0219 (9AM-5PM PST M-F)
Email Support
Here is the list of OpenSource Tools.
Navigator implements OneRoster specification for rostering student, teacher, and enrolment data. The synchronization is handled via services such as ClassLink or APIs that implement OneRoster specification.
Note: Other files such as academic Sessions, demographics, and courses will not be processed and rostered into the system.
The learner owns their data. Navigator application has the permission to use the learner’s data to make route and reroute suggestions during the learner’s journey.
Navigator exposes APIs to provide partners access to their users’ data.
Schools can participate in research with our research partners by implementing Navigator in their schools to use the data for specific research programs.