Content Licensing
As you can find in our Terms of Use, all of the collections (shareable playlists of learning resources) you find and create on Gooru are subject to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License located here.
Documents uploaded to the platform inherit the CC0 1.0 license. Web resources within Gooru playlists do not inherit the Gooru license and have a wide range of terms of use, but the arrangement of content and associated narration inherit the CC0 1.0 license.
When adding new learning materials to Gooru, we recommend selecting open content that can be used across the Gooru Community. Also, in adding content to Gooru, users and developers agree that they either own the copyrighted content or have permission from the copyright holder to use the content, and that the material is used for educational uses only.
In summary, yes, you may (and are highly encouraged to) share, edit, and build on the collections you find on Gooru. When sharing new resources, we ask that you use content that is open and/or that you have permission to share with the Gooru community.