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Tools related projects

4 Articles


Create a JavaScript-based Calculator tool that allows the student to access from within the Navigator’s study player. The Calculator should be available for access at any time. It should also take in configuration parameters to disable access based on the context of the study player. In certain instances, the author/teacher may disable access to the calculator while solving certain problems. You can leverage existing open source solutions to create the Calculator tool for Navigator

Note-taking tool

Design a JavaScript-based Note-taking tool that can be integrated into Navigator’s study player. A student should be able to quickly take notes while either watching a video or going through a document or website. They should be able to tag it with keywords/categories so that they can find them easily later. The note should also be tagged with the context of the class, resource/question, and collection/assessment that the student created the note in. You can leverage existing open source solutions to create the Note-taking tool for Navigator

Find open education accessibility tools

Find open education accessibility tools, such as tools to change the text size and background color, text to speech and speech to text tools, and rollover glossaries and have them integrated into Navigator applications as a tool