Content related projects
6 Articles
Find culturally responsive open education resources for K12 math, ELA, and science. You can also create projects and word problems that build on students’ prior knowledge and interests.
Games and simulations are a great way to engage students to learn and review concepts in K12 education. In this project, you will find OER games and simulations. You will tag each resource to a standard
Create interactive and engaging content to help learners fill gaps in early grade-level knowledge. For example, a 5th-grade learner in math might have foundational gaps in K-2 concepts. The project will include adding collections and machine graded checks for understanding for the learning journey as well as finding and developing additional content to be used as suggestions.
These courses would need to have relevant resources and assessments and should be able to contribute to the development of various abilities in Learners. Either in terms of enhancing the employability of youth or in helping K-12 students develop social and emotional skills to handle challenges.
Design short courses with 5-10 lessons that have interactive and engaging resources. The experience should include short assessments to check for understanding. You can create your own content for the resources and/or find open educational resources to include. You can include small projects or tasks that include a self-assessment rubric.